
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Picture Gallery

Billy Don't Be a Hero!

We didn't get to grab The Bag and speed off, like in the movies. In an anti-climatic fashion, I went for a routine check-up on Thursday 11th Oct and the gynae suggested that labour be induced as the amniotic fluid looked a tad murky. So I was admitted into Thomson Medical Centre and on Friday 12th Oct, Isaac opened his tiny eyes for his first glimpse into our world.

If the words "Billy, don't be a hero" never made any sense before, they certainly do now. Labour pains lived up to my expectations and I promptly asked for the much-lauded epidural 1/3 into the 9 hour journey. Shivering, vomiting, & pushing, I kept a watchful eye on the clock and told myself it was all worth it. Dad-to-be-Ben pottered around with the camera taking pics of me at my most unglamorous, as well as that of medical equipment. (Don't ask me why?)

I was happiest when the stirrups appeared and I knew I would see my baby soon.

And we love him so.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

38 weeks & counting....

So Dr. Beh tells me that statistically, most babies arrive in their 38th -39th week. Which means, I could very well be carted off into the labour ward right after posting this entry.

Yes! the timing's about right. Baby's clothes are washed, diapers & nappies are out in full force, & cot is ready (albeit being a temporary stash for a bevy of items- labtop bag, cookbook, ben's footrest, just to name a few). Plus the swollen feet, calves, and stumpy toes just cannot get any worse.

So the bag is packed and ready to go, we're all excited, and we love our new little baby-boo so so much already.

One more tiny detail though - his name.

Editor's note: For the record, " " was daddy-to-be BEN's concoction.